For this course outcome, I chose two artifacts that I feel best capture my ability to navigate my decisions as a writer and comply with certain constraints that come with genre and rhetorical situations.
This outcome is represented by the motor of the car since the manufacturers have to decide between how large it is in order to fit the car or his power, similarly to this outcome which is the ability to navigate choices and constraints.
My first artifact is an assignment named “Navigating Genres”. This artifact allowed me to expand on the knowledge about rhetorical situations and look for another perspective on explaining it with the help of the concept of “genre”. Like rhetorical analysis, it also assists in knowing how to approach a certain problem. Genre assists one in comprehending the features of writing that are determined by the socio-cultural context and the limitations of the context that the writing is being done in. For example, in this assignment I wrote about what are my limitations in the writings I do for school. I'm typically writing essays and narratives, so I'm limited to write something that fits that genre.
For the second artifact in this outcome, I chose a discussion post about understanding discourse communities. The assignment was asking to answer a few questions, but I'm focused specifically on the second question where it asked the last time I joined a community and what genres did they use. My answer was when I joined UCF as a mechanical engineering major and the genres were scientific articles and essays. They are limited to these genres due to their situation, which requires genres like those. Therefore, I had to use genres like those in my classes.
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