For this course outcome, I chose two artifacts that demonstrates my skill with multimodality and how the use of various literacies supported my writing process.
This objective is represented by a gear assembly because various gears work together to make a car functional, similarly to various literacies blended together to make a multimodal task.
The first artifact that I chose for this outcome is a discussion post about code switching. In the discussion post, I talk about how I have to change languages inside my family. This led to two different views of the world, one in Portuguese and one in English. I was always mixing Portuguese and English, translating one from the other to people around me. However, through writing I have learned that I can take these two views and use them both in order to achieve my writing goals. An example is the next artifact.
The second artifact for this outcome is the Major Assignment 1, where the task was to create a multimodal literacy narrative. For this assignment, I used my relationship with both my nationalities to reach the goal of the assignment. I believe I did a great job for my first time writing in Portuguese and English as well as doing a visual essay. The drawing on the side had the objective of explaining and going to a deeper level that only words cannot explain. My multilingual skill definitely made my writing process easier for this task.
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